Participating in the CEO Vinnies sleep out was a time to reflect through the night.
Homelessness together with Covid-19 has increased the number of people reliant on Vinnies for assistance.
As a leader these have been challenging times to ensure your work place is safe and remains viable.
Technology has been a key player.
What has this period meant to me:
- Strong decision making
- Compassion for staff
I have extensive experience in optimal management of resources to achieve organisational goals. I have a proven ability in creating a positive high energy work culture that attracts and retains the best employees.
Played a major part in further development with the fund raising Institute and Board regards to implementing fund raising strategies including negotiating with key stakeholders – raised $10m in the first 8 months • Developed the Institute’s/Boards Strategic and Business plan
Mentoring is a key role in being a leader. One of our main responsiblities is that we ensure that our future leadership pathway is secure