
Participating in the CEO Vinnies sleep out was a time to reflect through the night.

Homelessness together with Covid-19 has increased the number of people reliant on Vinnies for assistance.







As a leader these have been challenging times to ensure your work place is safe and remains viable.

Technology has been a key player. 

What has this period meant to me:

-  Strong decision making

-  Compassion for staff





I have extensive experience in optimal management of resources to achieve organisational goals. I have a proven ability in creating a positive high energy work culture that attracts and retains the best employees.

Through past board positions I have gained experience in, . Commercial and strategic initiatives. I have the necessary multifaceted skill set and ability to understand board strategies and risks, corporate and clinical governance. Iam able to assist their position for successful growth

Vinnies annual CEO sleep out

Played a major part in further development with the fund raising Institute and  Board regards to implementing fund raising strategies including negotiating with key stakeholders – raised $10m in the first 8 months • Developed the Institute’s/Boards Strategic and Business plan

Mentoring is a key role in being a leader. One of our main responsiblities is that we ensure that our future leadership pathway is secure

Networking and promoting- part of the role-socialisation of key ideas

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